Welcome to the IUEC Veteran Assistance Program (VAP).
Our mission is to honor the service and sacrifice of veterans and their families within the IUEC by providing comprehensive assistance and support. Through tools, resources, awareness, and opportunities, the EC-VAP strives to empower veterans and their families to thrive within the IUEC and their communities at large.
Understanding VA Disability Compensation
Understanding Your GI Bill

International Union of Elevator Constructors Launches New Veterans Assistance Program

November 10, 2023
The International Union of Elevator Constructors General President Frank J. Christensen today issued the following statement:
“Today, as the International Union of Elevator Constructors (IUEC) joins the rest of America in paying our respects to Veterans, I can think of no better way to express our deep appreciation than to provide our nation’s heroes pursuing post-military career opportunities in the union elevator industry with a real, meaningful support system.
“I’m incredibly proud of the IUEC’s rich history of honoring and supporting those who have served – our union represents Veterans, service members, and military spouses across the country. Our card-carrying members have always demonstrated great respect for the men and women who have served our nation, and on behalf of the more than 31,000 members represented by the IUEC, I am excited to announce the launch of the Veterans Assistance Program (VAP), our union’s newest and perhaps most important initiative.
“Veterans deserve our unwavering backing, and as Americans, it is our responsibility to serve as advocates on their behalf. Over the years, our union has had a number of conversations with individuals in the Veterans community – in an effort to understand the issues they face and to identify viable paths forward. Upon learning of the various obstacles faced by Veterans in their pursuit of the military benefits they are owed, our union’s leadership viewed this as an opportunity for the IUEC to intervene and provide valuable resources, including hands-on support in navigating the Veterans Administration (VA) benefits system.
“Whether a Veteran is trying to file a new claim with the VA or appeal a rejected claim, our new program will be there for IUEC members as a resource – as an extension of their toolkit – helping Veterans navigate any and all matters they may encounter.
“Our Veterans deserve our respect, our thanks, and our support. In times of war, as well as post-war, we must commit to standing on the side of our Veterans and responding to each of their needs. The program we’ve created – one that was built on a foundation of gratitude – is designed to give back to those who have given Americans the greatest gift of all, our freedom.”